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Nuestro Servicios
- Servicios de Notary Public
Fideicomisos y Testamentos
Cartas Poder
Consentimiento de menor para viajar
Traducciones Certificadas
Y mas!
$15.00 (oficina)- por firma notarizada.
Llame nuestra oficina para precio a domicilio (562) 261-7107.
$85.00 Traducciones Certificadas.
$129.00 Apostillas.
Servicios a hospital o carcel por favor llamar para el precio.
*Los precios reflejanel precio base: se pueden aplicar tarifas y cargos adicionales en casos especiales.
Provide a general description of the items below and introduce the services you offer. Click on the text box to edit the content.
Notary Public
Describe one of your services
Describe one of your services
Certified Translations
Describe one of your services
Living Trusts and Wills
Describe one of your services
Power of Attorney
Describe one of your services
Real Estate Title Transfers
Describe one of your services

Operating Hours
Mon - Thurs: 9am - 7pm
Sat: 10am - 3pm*
Sun: Closed
*Weekend availability subject to change
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